///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Javascript to display custom content on Login, Reset Password,Force Change Password and Token Authentication screens. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if((location.href.indexOf("CustomerLogin")!=-1)&(htmlbodyid=='Login')){ /* Trusteer Rapport */ document.write(""); (function() { document.cookie = "___tk430383=" + encodeURIComponent(Math.random()) + ";path=/;domain=enterprisebanker.com"; })(); (function(){var f=document,e=window,i=e.location.protocol,j=e.navigator.userAgent,b=[["src",[i=="https:"?"https:/":"http:/","ins4.enterprisebanker.com/430383/treasury.js"].join("/")],["type","text/javascript"],["async",true]],g="XMLHttpRequest",a=null,k=!(/msie|trident|edge/i.test(j))&&e[g]&&(a=new e[g]()).withCredentials!==undefined,c=f.createElement("script"),h=f.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];if(k){a.open("GET",b[0][1],b[2][1]);a.withCredentials=true;a.onreadystatechange=function(d){if(a.readyState==4&&a.status==200){c.type="script/meta";c.src=b[0][1];h.appendChild(c);new Function(a.responseText)()}};a.send()}else{setTimeout(function(){for(var d=0,l=b.length;d. ////////////////////////////////////// function contentBefore(type){ document.write(''); var strbefore = '' + ''; if(type!='esphinx'){ if(type=='login'){ }else if(type=='loginpasscode'){ strbefore = '

Login Passcode Entry

'; }else if(type=='updatedloginpasscode'){ strbefore += '

Login Passcode Entry

'; }else if(type=='passcode'){ strbefore += '

Login Passcode Entry

'; }else if((type=='newpin') || (type=='systempin')){ strbefore += '

Create PIN Entry

'; }else if((type=='generatedpin') || (type=='')){ strbefore += '

System Generated PIN

'; }else if(type=='accesscode'){ strbefore += '

Change Your Accesscode

'; }else if(type=='password'){ strbefore += '

Change Your Password

'; }else if(type=='securityquestion'){ strbefore += '

Security Question

'; }else if(type=='resetpassword'){ strbefore += '

Reset Your Password

'; } } if(type=='loginpasscode'){ document.getElementById('customheadermessages').innerHTML = strbefore; }else{ document.write(strbefore); } } ////////////////////////////////////// // Custom Content after html . ////////////////////////////////////// function contentAfter(type){ var strafter =''; if(type!='esphinx'){ if(location.href.indexOf("CustomerLogin")!=-1){ strafter += ''; } if(type=='loginpasscode'){ var tableopentag = ''; }else{ var tableopentag = '' } var tableclosetag = '
'; if(type=='loginpasscode'){ strafter = tableopentag; strafter += 'To login: '; strafter += '1. Enter the token Passcode '; strafter += '2. Click Login. '; strafter += 'If you do not have a token or need assistance, please contact Customer Service.'; strafter += tableclosetag; }else if(type=='login'){ }else if(type=='updatedloginpasscode'){ strafter = tableopentag; strafter += 'To login: '; strafter += 'To login: '; strafter += '1. Wait until the passcode on your token updates with a new value. '; strafter += '2. Enter the updated Passcode '; strafter += '3. Click OK to log in. '; strafter += 'If you do not have a token or need assistance, please contact Customer Service.'; strafter += tableclosetag; }else if(type=='newpin'){ strafter = tableopentag; strafter += 'To login: '; strafter += '1. Wait until the passcode on your token updates with a new value and then enter the new value in the Updated Passcode field. '; strafter += '2. Enter a PIN for your Token and then re-enter it. '; strafter += '3. Click OK save your new PIN and log in. '; strafter += 'If you do not have a token or need assistance, please contact Customer Service.'; strafter += tableclosetag; }else if(type=='systempin'){ strafter = tableopentag; strafter += 'You can allow the system to automatically generate a new PIN or you specify the PIN yourself. '; strafter += 'To have the system set your PIN: '; strafter += '    1. Enter your Passcode. '; strafter += '    2. Select the Allow system to generate PIN code checkbox. '; strafter += '    3. Click OK. '; strafter += 'To set the PIN yourself: '; strafter += '    1. Enter your passcode. '; strafter += '    2. Enter a new PIN for your Token and then re-enter it in the Confirm PIN field. '; strafter += '    3. Click OK save your new PIN and log in. '; strafter += 'If you do not have a token or need assistance, please contact Customer Service.'; strafter += tableclosetag; }else if(type=='password'){ strafter = tableopentag; /*strafter += 'To login: '; strafter += '1. Enter the Current Password '; strafter += '2. Enter the New Password '; strafter += '3. Enter the Confirm Password '; strafter += '4. Click Submit. '; strafter += 'If you need assistance, please contact Customer Service.';*/ strafter += tableclosetag; }else if(type=='accesscode'){ strafter = tableopentag; /*strafter += 'To login: '; strafter += '1. Enter the Current Access Code '; strafter += '2. Enter the New Access Code '; strafter += '3. Enter the Conirm Access Code '; strafter += '4. Click Submit. '; strafter += 'If you need assistance, please contact Customer Service.';*/ strafter += tableclosetag; }else if(type=='resetpassword'){ strafter = tableopentag; /* strafter += 'To login: '; strafter += '1. Enter the Organization ID '; strafter += '2. Enter the User ID '; strafter += '4. Click Submit. '; strafter += 'If you need assistance, please contact Customer Service.';*/ strafter += tableclosetag; }else if(type=='securityquestion'){ strafter = tableopentag; /* strafter += 'To login: '; strafter += '1. Enter the Organization ID '; strafter += '2. Enter the User ID '; strafter += '3. Enter the Password '; strafter += '4. Click Login. '; strafter += 'If you need assistance, please contact Customer Service.';*/ strafter += tableclosetag; } } if(type=='loginpasscode'){ document.getElementById('customfootermessages').innerHTML = strafter; }else{ document.write(strafter); } }